May 27, 2021

EA FUSION WINNER PRO I - testing on a real tick story!

1. Testing with standard parameters in the last five years (2015-2020):

Broker: Weltrade

Testing on the real history of ticks - EURUSD,M1 (spread 10 pips)

Testing on the real history of ticks - GBPUSD,M1 (spread 10 pips)

2. Testing on the real history of ticks - USDJPY,M1 in the year 2018 (spread 10 pips)

3. DemoTest - EA FUSION WINNER PRO I (GBPUSD,M1 in the Jan 2021)

C o p y r i g h t   ©   2 0 1 3   w w w . w a y g r o w . c o m 

Choose a broker and trading conditions with the minimum spread and use rebate (a refund of the spread).
Familiarize yourself with the terms of the spread can return to this page.
Compare brokers in terms of return can be spread on this page.

Note: the results of trading on real account may differ significantly from the results of testing due to slippage and requotes.

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